Temples of Ramanathapura, Karnataka

Ramanathapura, was an ancient religious place located on the bank of the river Kaveri and is considered one of the famous pilgrimages. There are many temples in the village, and all are built in Dravidian style. The ancient Ramanathapura village is also known as Samvartakapuri, Vahnikapura, and Tretapura.

Sri. Vyasaraya swamy from Sosale Mutt established Vyasanjaneya Swamy Temple on the bank of River Kaveri and Agasteswara Temple on the left of this temple. The Vyasanjaneya Temple is a 560 years old temple constructed on a small area. The main building of the temple has a 6 feet tall Anjaneya idol in the garbhagriha.

Agasteswara Temple is believed to have been built by the sage Agastya. When Kaveri left the sage Agastya, he followed the river from Bhagamandala and reached Ramanathapura. He established this temple and worshipped God Shiva here. Inside the second Prakara, there is a separate, beautiful shrine for Mother Kaveri.

Like a diamond inside a star, this temple sits in the centre of a majestic star shaped platform. The temple faces east and consists of a mandapa, navaranga, and antarala. It is an Ekakuta temple with garbhagrha and antarala. The temple has one entrance and a grand compound wall.

Pattabhirama Temple is just a plain structure with a beautiful Rajagopura. It is situated about a kilometre from the Rameshwara Temple. Lord Rama has Sita seated on his lap. Bharat and Shatrughna are standing behind, holding the chamara, and Hanuman is on the right side. It is one of the three temples in India where Sita is seen sitting on the lap of Rama.

The Lakshminarasimha temple was built during the reign of Chikkadevaraja Wodeyar. The ground plan of the temple is slightly peculiar. The temple has undergone a lot of reconstruction and has lost its original look. From the inscription, it becomes clear that Rameshvara was a great Shaiva centre. Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, and later Dvaita saints also visited this holy place.

Prasanna Sri Subramanya Swamy Temple: About 450 years ago when Vibhudesha Theertharu Swamiji of Kukke Subramanya Matha stayed in Ramanathapura. Lord Subramanya appeared in his dream and ordered the construction of a temple here. At the same time God Subramanya appeared in the dream of king Narasappa Nayaka and ordered him to give all support for the establishment of the temple with an assurance of a male baby. A new temple was constructed as wished by Subramanya Swamy. From this achievement, Swamiji became cheerful and satisfied hence he called the temple as Prasanna Subramanya Swamy Temple. Narasappa Nayaka was blessed with a male child, and Sri Vibhudesha Theertharu continued to worship the god until the end of his life. This temple is very famous and sacred. The installed deity is made of black Saligrama stone. The idol consists of seven hoods. Soil taken from the anthill is the main Prasadam here.

Rameshwara Temple: The name of the town is derived from this temple Rameshwara Temple stands as testimony to the architectural magnificence of the Chola and Hoysala times.
Article and photos by Rakesh Holla.
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