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5 Famous Bird Sanctuaries in India

Keoladeo Bird Sanctuary, Rajasthan
It is considered one of the most important locations in India for Bird feeding and breeding. Formerly known as Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary, it was a royal hunting ground converted into a national park and then recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Herbivore animals like Deer and Nilgai along with serpents and turtles are also seen in the park. Over 350 species both native and visiting birds are recorded, of which about 115 species are found breeding here. This park, covering approximately 29 square kilometers, has natural as well as man-made provisions that act as a great lifeline for the winged creatures to stay put here and breed. It is recognized as a wetland of importance where long-distance birds halt for a considerable time before continuing their flight. Three of the globally endangered species of birds namely Siberian Crane, Greater Spotted Eagle and Imperial Eagle take refuge here. The park is located near the city of Ranthambore.
Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary, Haryana
Located about 45 kilometers from New Delhi, nearly 250 species of birds are recorded in this park of which nearly 100 are migratory. It was established as a bird sanctuary way back in 1972 and became a national park in 1991. The park has good sources of water and many species of fish which are the main reasons for it to bloom as one of the best places for birds in the country. Good facilities are put in place for the visitors, in terms of rooms to stay in and watchtowers to view the birds.
Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary, Gujarat
This large lake is one of the fine bird sanctuaries of the country. Over 35 small islands in the lake make it a great habitat for birds. The 120 square kilometers vast lake has recorded nearly 250 species of birds both native and migratory. It is one of those sanctuaries which is used by a large number of migratory birds for their winter stay. Declared as a bird sanctuary in the year 1969, it was recognized as a wetland of international importance in the year 2012. Boat ride in the lake around the islands allows the visitors a view up close of the birds. Pelicans, flamingos and storks are the star attractions of the sanctuary.
Mangalajodi Bird Sanctuary, Odisha
An ecotourism venture which helped to rejuvenate a collapsing eco system to spring back to life is the hallmark of this bird sanctuary. Owned and managed by communities living around the large Chilika lake, the sanctuary attracts a vast number and variety of species of birds as the lake is a great location and ambiance for them to breed. Located on the edge of the lake near the village of Mangalajodi, the sanctuary in fact forms a part of the lake that is home to nearly 1.5 lakh birds during the months of winter. This part of the lake that is marshy is identified as a wetland of International Importance. Boating facility is available in the lake to view the birds. The sanctuary is also known as Chilika lake bird sanctuary.