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Uttar Pradesh

The Heartland Of India

Uttar Pradesh is a prosperous and deeply religious state, boasting one of the Seven Wonders of the World and a wide variety of exquisite arts, including handicrafts and jewellery. Many of India’s most impressive historical and cultural landmarks can be found here. This state, which is home to people from a wide variety of faiths, holds many celebrations of culture and religion. One of India’s earliest classical dances, Kathak, originated in a state that has a long and illustrious tradition of royal patronage in the performing arts.

Amazing Heritage Grand Experiences

Nawabi cuisine, which includes delicious street foods like samosas and kachoris as well as lavish royal meat feasts and kebabs, is another reason the state is well-known. Uttar Pradesh, known as “the land of Ram,” “the land of Krishna,” “the land of the Buddha,” and “the land of the Taj Mahal,” is a cultural melting pot that spans the nation and its artistic and racial divides.