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Gir National Park, Gujarat

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Gir National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary is a forested area close to Talala Gir in Gujarat. It is also known as Sasan Gir. Apart from Africa, it is the only place where lions roam freely in the wild. It is also home to 40 species of mammals and 425 species of birds. Asiatic lions thrive in the dry, deciduous forest that covers the entire park, making it their ideal habitat. Leopards are the primary draw of the park, aside from lions. Other wildlife that can be seen includes sambar deer, Chowsingha (the only four-horned antelope in the world), jackals, India foxes, hyenas, etc. Moreover, the park is an ideal place for birdwatchers, as it houses more than 200 species of avifauna. The endangered white-backed and long-billed vultures are two of the more notable. More than 40 different species of amphibians and reptiles live in the forest. The king cobra, saw-scaled viper, krait, and Russell’s viper are some of the snakes that reside here. The park is spread out over 1,412 square kilometres, with its core area being only 258 square kilometres. It was declared a wildlife sanctuary on September 18, 1965, to protect the Asiatic lion, and is situated about 65 kilometres south-east of Junagadh. Prior to the Forest Department taking control, the Nawabs of Junagadh provided protection for the lions in their hunting grounds. The number of lions increased from 20 in 1913 to 523 in 2015.
Gir National Park, Gujarat

Nearby Places to See

Jamjir Waterfall
Jamjir Waterfall
Within the boundaries of the national park, this waterfall is close to Jamvada Village. Shingoda River, which is vital to Gir National Park, creates the waterfall. It is a waterfall that descends from a wide ledge into a pool of water at a height of 40 to 50 feet.
Kankai Mata Temple
This temple is located in the middle of the jungle and is dedicated to Kankai Mata, who is regarded as the guardian of the Gir forest’s shepherds. It is surrounded by wilderness, and visiting it can be an exciting experience. The area around the lake is where animals congregate to drink water from its depths, and you can see them from the premises. Although devotees are permitted to spend the night at the temple, the Forest Department forbids more than 50 people from doing so at once. The premises of the temple are secure with high walls.
Devalia Safari Park
Devalia Safari Park
Devalia is situated within the boundaries of the parks, 12 kilometres from Gir Village. This fenced area is home to a cross-section of Gir wildlife. It is also known as the “majestic home of royal lions” and is a major hub for spotting tigers in their natural habitat.
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