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Drass Valley, Jammu & Kashmir

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Located at close to 11,000 feet above sea level, the picture-perfect valley is one of the top tourist spots of India. You will experience the wonderful feeling of travelling along beautiful roads with greenish rivers meandering along, the high mountains keeping watch, and not to forget the cool breeze providing great company. The valleys around Drass town offer a number of trekking options which are favourites with the hikers. Off you go to nearby villages and a valley to do some sightseeing and enjoy the magnificent creations of nature. With temperatures plummeting to levels nearly 25 counts below zero during the winter, it is one of the coldest places in the world. Summer at Drass is from June to September, and that is the best time to visit. Drass town, which is the main town of the valley, is approximately 140 kilometres from Srinagar on the way to Kargil. Jammu Tawi, at approximately 400 kilometres, is the nearest railway station, and Srinagar is the nearest airport.
Drass Valley

Nearby Places to See

Kargil War Memorial
Located within 7 kilometres from the town, it is built by the Indian army in memory of soldiers who laid their lives for the nation in the Kargil war of 1999. Names of all the martyred soldiers are mentioned in the war memorial. It is one of the most visited places in the Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh Union territories.
Kargil War Memorial
Mushkoh/ Mushku Valley
Mushkoh/ Mushku Valley
At a distance of 10 kilometres from Drass, it is a picturesque valley with a river flowing through it. The natural beauty of the place and the blossoming of hundreds of flowers during the summer attract visitors to this valley.
Manman Top
Located about 15 kilometres from the town, a panoramic view of the valley, town, and the LOC can be enjoyed from here.
Draupadi Kund
At an altitude of about 10,100 feet, it is a high-altitude lake located about 18 kilometres from Drass town on the way to Srinagar. A small temple dedicated to Draupadi is near the lake.
Bhimbhut Stone
Located at about 7-8 kilometres from Drass, it is a 5 feet long stone and believed to be the solidified body of Bheem, the second of the five Pandava brothers.